Maker of Heaven & Earth,
Creator of my soul
Sculptor of my body.
Be with me now.
I am willing to listen,
But I may not be ready to respond.
Forgive me.
Grant me peace.
Teach me love.
Show me compassion.
In mercy and in courage,
Bring me back to prayer again.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Saturday, January 23, 2016
At Home Worship: Sunday January 24, 2016
First Christian Church, Glasgow KY
Worship @ Home
Sunday January 24, 2016
Gathering Words
Take some time to pass the peace of Christ with those gathered near you. If you are worshiping in solitude, ask for Christ's peace to enter your heart in this time of worship, prayer, and reflection.
One: May the peace of Christ be with you.
All: And also with you.
Opening Hymn: Come Thou Font of Every Blessing
Call to Worship
One: The Spirit of God is upon us.
All: We are called to be God's people.
One: The Spirit of God is upon us.
All: We are called to be the Body of Christ.
One: Come, let us worship God who binds us together in love and service. (ministrymatters.com)
Opening Prayer
God of comfort and hope, we praise you for the good things that you have given us. We thank you for warm homes and beds in winter storms. We thank you for food to keep us nourished and healthy. We thank you for friends, family, and church community to support, comfort, and gift us with life and love. We pray for all who are cold and have no shelter, especially in snow and ice. Help us to always find ways to reach out to people and animals in need. Show us how to be your hope in a world that is broken. Hold fast to all who are struggling in these frigid days and hold fast to the places in our hearts that keep you near to us. We continue to pray the prayer that Jesus taught:
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Gloria Patri
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen. Amen.
Children's Moment (attached is an activity sheet that can be printed out for one-time, home use.)
New Testament Reading - you may read from your Bible or click the scripture below.
Personal Reflections & Group Sharing
1) What is this story about? Re-tell it in my own words.
2) What in this passage sticks out to me - whether good or bad? Why?
3) What do I find challenging/exciting about the mission of Jesus?
4) How is God speaking to me in this passage?
Things to Consider: Jesus was Nazareth's hometown boy. Here we find him coming back home to share with the people his mission from God. If we continue reading, we will find that the people get upset with him and try to throw him off a cliff! Yikes! Jesus says that no prophets are accepted in the prophet's hometown (Lk 4:24).
Think about a "homecoming" moment in your life? Was there ever a point in your life when you left what was familiar for a period of time and then came back? What was that like? Were you welcomed back into the community with open arms? Was there a sense of rejection? Did people have a difficult time accepting you for the person you became? Did you experience the grace & embrace of old friends and family? If you have never had an experience like this - think about someone who has or an event in the world that deals with coming back home, rejection, or acceptance of others. Where do you find God's embrace in situations like these? Or have you ever felt rejected by someone whom you tried to share God's love with? What did that feel like? How did you respond?
How does our church - FCC Glasgow - respond to this passage? How does FCC Glasgow respond to Jesus' mission in ministry? How is God's Kingdom reality (as detailed in this passage) different from our reality? What is your role and what is our church's role in bringing God's reality to our community & world?
Praying for One Another
Call to Prayer: Be Still and Know
FCC Prayer Concerns:
Buddy A.
Soni G.
Sharon M.
Jennifer F.
Pearl B.
Larry F.
Ronnie K.
FCC Ongoing Prayers:
Ed & Bobbe S.
Julie C.
Marjorie T.
Gunnar E.
Lola P.
Dennis B.
Tina C. & Family
Sympathy & Prayers to the family of Joe T. Jr. (Bruce T.'s uncle)
Prayers of thanks & safety to all city officials, first responders, and clean-up workers helping to keep our city & county safe during this storm.
Take time to lift your prayers to God silently, or share joys & concerns and pray aloud with those gathered with you.
A Time of Communion & Offering
Take bread and juice (of any version you have available in your home) and spend a moment reflecting on the gift of the bread & cup for you. Also reflect upon the ways you can share your gifts to God and with the ministries of FCC.
Say aloud the Words of Institution, or click the video to hear them.
Offer silent Prayers of Thanksgiving for the communion meal or pray aloud with those gathered near you.
Eat the Bread and drink from the Cup.
Serve one another.
Closing Hymn: I Love to Tell the Story
Go in Peace to share and to live the love of God in this world. Amen.
FCC Week at a Glance:
1. All Church activities for Sunday Jan 24 have been cancelled due to winter weather. Everyone stay warm, safe, enjoy time with family & friends, and check in on your neighbors and church family!
2. Tuesday Jan 26: Worship Committee Meeting 10:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Bible Study @ Noon. Elders Meeting @ 6:30 pm.
3. Wednesday Jan 27: Disciples Kid's Club (grades 1-3) 3-4 pm. Youth Group @ 6 pm. Choir Practice @ 7 pm.
4. Youth Ski Thing is this weekend Jan 29-30. Please turn in forms & money to Anne Bruce no later than Monday Jan 25.
5. Sunday January 30: FIFTH SUNDAY. Notice the change in schedule.
Jeff Crane will be preaching!!
- 9 am Sunday School
- 10 am One Worship Service (including Children's Worship & Wonder)
- 11 am Lunch & Projects (TBA). Contact Martha Martin if you wish to contribute to the lunch!
Other Announcements:
- Youth who are interested in Discipleship Class will meet with Anne Bruce on Sun Jan 30 at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Parents please come to this informational meeting.
- Cookies for College Kids: Please bring cookies to Fellowship Hall on Sunday Feb 7. The Membership Committee will package cookies to be mailed on Monday Feb 8. Please bring cookies in disposable containers!
- The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 10th. To recognize this special season, we will have a worship service at 5:30 pm to receive the ashes; followed by Potluck dinner at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Therefore Potluck has been moved from Wed February 3 to Wed February 10!!! Potluck hosts are the flocks of Mike Chesnut & Carol Pike. Please take note of this change and we hope to see you on Feb 10 for a time of worship, fellowship, and a shared meal.
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