Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Spy Wednesday

Mark 14: 1-11

Some people call this day Spy Wednesday because it is the day that Judas sneaks away to tell the authorities where to find Jesus.  This is the day the thought becomes a plan of action.  The plot of Jesus' week thickens and we find ourselves in the middle of a scenario we know all too well but don't want to be in.  

This is the day Jesus' friend disappoints him.  Betrays him. Turns in him.  

This life is full of disappointments.  There are some things that just don't turn out the way you hoped they would.  The way you thought they would.  People let you down.  That's life, isn't it? 

Jesus was let down by someone he thought was a friend. Someone he trusted.  Let that sink in.  Even Jesus himself put trust in people who couldn't be trusted.

So in the middle of a hard week, remember.  Remember that Jesus has been where you are.  Remember that Jesus, too, was disappointed.  Was hurt.  Was betrayed.  None of this is okay.  But - that's life, isn't it? It's not always going to be okay.  But there will be another sunrise.  And there will be the triumph of goodness and love.  And that, my friends, that is what I hold onto on this Spy Wednesday.  On this day of betrayal and disappointment....when we find ourselves in the middle of a scenario we know all too well but don't want to be in....remember that Jesus is right there in the midst of it too.

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