Hebrews 11: 1-12
Loving the Holy
O God your story is one that celebrates and works for the dawn of a new day. The cloud of witnesses can attest to that. You seek out new land, you offer rich companions, you surprise us with your wit and possibilities. You work for justice and you call us to work alongside you. You deliver your brokenhearted people from the hands of bondage. You get frustrated, but never abandon. Still, you seek out the dawn of a new day.
O Faithful God, don't forget us. Even when we forget you. When we breeze through our days, lost in our own worlds; and thinking that the world depends on us in order to know which direction to turn. Don't forget us when our hearts are good, but our egos block its way. Don't forget us when we forget to love ourselves, or when we refuse to love another.
Don't forget us. Even when you are tired of pleading, and prodding, and urging, and nudging, and forgiving. Don't forget us.
And - God - don't let us forget the plea of the lives around us and beyond us who have been forgotten far too long. Because your story is one that promises the dawn of a new day. And the new day remembers everything.
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