Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ash Wednesday Prayer

 I've been silent on here for a really long time.  I've let all the challenges of pandemic life come over me and, in some ways, I've surrendered my writing to my stresses, worries, and fears.  I am not completely proud of that fact. 

Several years ago, I challenged myself to write a prayer for every day in Lent.  And today I thought - well, why not?  I don't know how faithful I can be to this in 2021, but I am hopeful that the "dry bones" within me might wake up a bit if I but try.

As I prepare to gather virtually with my congregation for tonight's Ash Wednesday service, I can't help but reflect upon this day and past services, as Ash Wednesday is one of my favorite worship experiences.  One of the things I like the most about Ash Wednesday is the way the ashes get under my fingernails.  It reminds me that even though our Lenten journeys are often individual treks, and though our bodies are individual bodies that one day will die, we are still connected to one other. As the ash for each person I have the honor to mark leaves traces under my fingernails, I am reminded of the great body of Christ that I get to travel this road with.

This prayer is based on the dry bones story of Ezekiel, chapter 37, verses 1-3.

Yesterday bleeds into today.

Last Lent bleeds into this Lent.

And I fall to my knees.

And humbly ask, O Lord,

Help me.  Help us.

Breathe into us 

And awaken the dead places of our spirits

To sing again for Spring.

To sing again for Life.

To sing again for You.


May the ash under my fingernails

Leave traces upon my heart.


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