To enter into the drama of this day, read Mark 14: 22-72.
What would it have been like to be there? To sit at the table when Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them. How would it feel to receive this bread and know, in the pit of your stomach, that something big was going to happen? And then the cup. Would the wine make your lips twinge as you took a sip? How slowly would you let it linger on your tongue, because you knew that once you swallowed, nothing would ever be the same?
Would you have debated Jesus when he said that you would desert him? That you would flee? Would you argue with him and promise, like Peter, that you would never leave his side?
And the prayer. The bold and heartbreaking words Jesus prayed. All the while - would you be sleeping?
When the soldiers finally come, the night wakes up. And you watch as Jesus is kissed by his old friend. His arrest is swift and physical, accompanied by swords and clubs as though he was a bandit.
Perhaps the next place you find yourself is warming your hands by the fire in the courtyard. You overhear Peter claim his innocence. You stand there and shake your head as he drops to his knees and weeps bitterly. The cock crows. The accusers look at you. You dart your eyes away and pretend you never heard a thing.
Let us pray:
God on this day before the day of your death,
We crawl to you and offer what we know we
Wouldn’t have been able to give
Had we been by your side all those years ago.
We cannot claim to be better than those who knew you best.
We fall to our knees and ask that you make us into who you need us to be.
For this night.
For the sake of whatever goodness is left in this world.
For the sake of all the peacemakers who feel the cold sting of handcuffs
When their only weapon is words of justice.
Do not let us fall asleep again.
Keep us awake to stand by your side
As we claim to be yours.
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