Thursday, April 14, 2022

Maundy Thursday


Mark 14: 22-72


The evening began with a meal.  A meal of celebration.  A meal that represented freedom.  The night began like any other.  But as the sun faded behind the clouds, Jesus lifted the bread and the cup and changed the world forever.  


“This is my body,” he told them.  “This is my blood.”  Eat.  Drink.  

This is a new covenant, poured out for you.


From that point on, the night unfolded.  They entered the garden where Jesus knelt and prayed.  It was a prayer of human despair.  It was a prayer that shows us the true devastation Jesus felt as he waited and watched.  


Jesus prayed.  The disciples slept.  Judas betrayed.  The soldiers arrested.


Peter followed to the courtyard of the high priest.  There he did the very thing he had vehemently denied he would do.  Peter denied.


The night ends with Peter’s tears.  


The movement of this day is swift and full.  Take the time to dwell in every moment.  Don’t get so caught up in the drama that we forget the raw emotion that was felt and shared.


I wonder if Peter…through the streaming of his tears…. remembered the taste of the bread and wine.  I wonder if he remembered the new covenant that Jesus had given them.  Even him. 


Yes, even him.



May we remember,

Every time we share in bread and cup,

The great love you have for us.

That you would offer us life

As you lose your own.

That you would offer us love

Even when we turn the other way.

Keep us awake 

And help us boldly claim

To be yours.


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