Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tuesday of Holy Week


Mark 11:20 – 13:37


On Tuesday, Jesus goes back to the Temple.  On the way there, he and his disciples pass by the fig tree.  The same one from yesterday.  It is withered and dry.  Peter remembers the curse Jesus had placed upon it and points it out to him.  I find Jesus’ response to be puzzling, and a little off topic.  What does this withered fig tree have to with our faith in God?  With our prayer life?  


Today is a long day.  Jesus spends his time in the Temple, teaching and constantly being tested by the chief priests, elders, and scribes.


“By what authority are you doing these things?”

“What about taxes to Caesar – should we pay them?”

“What about the woman with seven husbands, whose wife shall she be in the resurrection?”

“Which commandment is greatest of all?”


Jesus’ answers do not hesitate to widen the circle of God’s Kingdom.  He talks of new life, of deep love, and of faithfulness.


The other piece of Jesus’ teaching has to do with remaining alert and keeping watch when the going gets tough.


Tuesday is a hard day.  There are many questions that the scripture brings.  There are many follow-up questions I would like to ask Jesus.  Tuesday is hard because it is a long day and the mental capacity we must have in order to wrap our heads around Jesus’ words and teachings is exhausting.  


But perhaps we aren’t meant to wrap our minds completely around every single word.  For God’s ways are not our ways.  Maybe we’re not meant to understand everything.  But as Jesus said in the presence of the withered fig tree – “have faith in God.”  Have faith.  When it’s only Tuesday, have faith.  When the week stretches out dauntingly before us, have faith.  When we are filled with question after question, have faith.


Summer is near.  When the branch becomes tender and leaves begin to grow, we will know that God is not far.  Not far at all.



Help us to pray on a Tuesday.

And help us to believe

That what we pray for

We have already received.


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